Empty Cloud Sangha
Empty Cloud Sangha Scholarship Committee
Mission statement:
To promote the practice of Zen by supporting all beings in exploring and
deepening their spiritual practice.
History and Meaning
Giving Without Expectation
"Dana comes from Indian Sanskrit and roughly translates into gift, alms, or donation. It is regarded as one of the most important virtues of all mystical practices including Zen. In Zen it is known as dana paramita or perfect giving. The giving of gifts is done without attachment. Giving without expectation of return. It is also known as the practice of mutually dependent arising."
- Roshi Randy
In our sangha's practice of giving, the Empty Cloud Sangha Scholarship Committee is pleased to announce the first Tucson retreat scholarship! Applicants chosen will receive assistance to resolve the financial barriers to attending the retreat. Please follow the link below to learn more about the scholarship process, and to access the scholarship application.
Scholarship Applications
Scholarship applications have closed for the Zen Sesshin in Tucson, Arizona.
This scholarship is specific to this retreat, and cannot be used for other events.
Please make sure to join our email list for notification of future scholarship opportunities!